UVIC Teacher's Blog

A dive into EDCI 336

EDCI 335 Group F Peer Feedback

Group B for Group F

Course: Alzheimerā€™s Disease Online Learning Resource


Course code: q2ddr26


I have always been a fan of giving 2 stars and 1 wish when it comes to giving peer feedback: 

  • I really appreciate how informative your entire project on Alzheimerā€™s is. The fact that group members have been directly impacted by the disease highlights the depth of expertise throughout.
  • I appreciate the diversity in activities you have chosen. It is clear that the UDL principles have been woven throughout your interactive learning resource. 
  • Overall I think you did an amazing job with your Interactive Learning Resource. I would love to share this with my Mum! One suggestion from my elementary teaching background is that rubrics can go a long way when it comes to assessment and providing students with the knowledge of exactly what you are looking for and helps to break down what the grades are based on.


Your Interactive Learning Resource looks great! Your Overview is very detailed and clear. The misconceptions and mistakes are relevant and very important to address. Your rationale is very good ā€“ it is essential that caretakers, family, and friends who are affected by Alzheimerā€™s disease are able to receive support and information to aid their well-being. I think your lesson is accessible and inclusive ā€“ you have carefully considered the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. I appreciate the small details you have included to make your lesson more accessible, like how to pronounce Alzheimerā€™s in your ā€œLearning Context and Inclusivityā€ section. I could have missed it, but I do not see your Big Idea explicitly stated, so maybe that could be something you could include in your Learning Resource if you think it is necessary.  

I really like how you have clearly stated your learning objectives in most of your modules. I could be wrong, but I think it is beneficial to use action verbs that are easy to measure in your learning objectives. Thus, you might consider using more words like ā€˜describe,ā€™ like youā€™ve used in your ā€œImpact of Alzheimerā€™s Disease on Family and Friendsā€ learning objective. Some examples of words to use instead of ā€˜understandā€™ could be define, identify, sort, or recall.

With each learning objective, you have provided relevant information, and an engaging and interactive assessment activity. I like that for your first learning objective, ā€œAccurately understand the brain regions and the physiological effects of associated with Alzheimerā€™s disease,ā€ you have included ā€œmultiple means of representationā€ (CAST, 2018) with a video, article, and infographic. I like that you will use a quiz to assess studentsā€™ knowledge. I did not see where to find the quiz; however, I know this is just a draft and I am sure that the quiz questions will reflect the learning objective. This is also a great way for students to receive immediate feedback from you to deepen their understanding of the content. 

I really like your interactive activity, creating an infographic on Canva, for your second learning objective. I think it could be beneficial to possibly include a link to a video on how to create an infographic using Canva to increase accessibility. However, this is just a small detail that might not be necessary if your audience is already proficient with Canva.

Your third learning objective, ā€œDescribe how Alzheimerā€™s can affect the daily lives of individuals living with the condition, caregivers, as well as their friends and family membersā€ is clear, and you have great resources, an interactive activity, and an assessment tool (quiz) for learners to understand the content. Amazing job!

In your last module, ā€œTreatment and Diagnosis,ā€ although I could have missed it, I do not see a specific learning objective for your assessment (response paragraph). I think it would also be beneficial to include how feedback will be provided.  I think that it is helpful that you included examples of symptoms in each of the stages. The information you have provided in this module is very clear, detailed, and current.            

Overall, I think your IRL is really well done, and my suggestions are very minor since I do not think you have to change much at all for your final draft! Your careful consideration of the layout, graphics and multimedia, interactivity, and accessibility makes your IRL engaging, inclusive, and excellent. Great work ā€“ I am looking forward to seeing your final product!


I really enjoyed learning about Alzheimers through this module. I found that people from any background would have an easy time learning through this resource. Something that I especially liked about your resource was that it was also very simple to follow through for those with little internet capabilities. All of the categories had clear titles that were in an order that made sense. I was able to follow through and felt like I had enough information to move onto the next section. For example, the overview gave a really good introduction to the topic, and each section broke down the topic into digestible pieces.

Your objectives to increase inclusivity were really easy to follow and I like the idea of using pdfs to decrease internet issues. I find that they are the best file type for me to download and avoid errors. I also agree with all of the technological choices that you made. Google forms is a super simple tool that works really well within google classroom.

I found it helpful how your learning objectives were found throughout the module when relevant. I may have missed it but I think it would be helpful to have them all listed at the beginning just so people could go back and see if they feel comfortable fulfilling those objectives at the end of the module. Or you could have a little wrap up assessment such as a self assessment style quiz, paragraph, or even rubric!

I found your canva infographics to be really helpful. They were colorful, easy to follow, and well labeled which Iā€™m sure would help with accessibility. Iā€™m not sure if there is a way to incorporate your canva infographics into the module without having to click out of the classroom, but if there is I think that may be helpful!

Also one of the pages under what is Alzheimerā€™s didnā€™t work for me but Iā€™m not sure if that was just an issue on my end! Other than that all the other links worked really well for me and I found the sources to be super easy to navigate with them being on youtube.

I think you did a really great job with this module and itā€™s a great starting point for people who want to learn about Alzheimers on a physical and social level. The suggestions that I made are completely up to you but I think you guys nailed it with accessibility, layout, and interactivity. Each piece of material was clear with great activities to accompany it!

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